High-yielding, yellow hybrid. A strong contender for the short/med growth period. No open tips or silk-jamming problems. Ideally suited to the more moist climatic conditions East of the N1. Excellent performer under irrigation. Fits perfectly into a wheat rotation program. Plant populations should not exceed 45k/ha on dry-land, and 55k/ha under irrigation.

The standard of the next generation white hybrids. Medium season grower. Excellent yield potential with high grain quality. No losses due to small grain on these cobs. This hybrid is well adapted to all areas. A very prolific hybrid with kernels/ear as high as 270g has been measured. Due to its high prolificacy, intended plant-populations should not exceed 45k/ha on 0.76m row-spacing.

The hybrid for the farmer who favours a higher plant population. Produces mostly single, very big ears. An absolute must for the farmer who demands high-yielding stability from a hybrid. Strong, disease resistant plants, ensures quality and performance. A solid choice for irrigation. Plant early for Maximum yield. Not recommended for dry-land production in dry climate zones.